Scientific collaborator from Université de Bourgogne (Biogéosciences, Dijon, France)

Main ongoing research
Biogeography and Resilience of Intertidal Southern Ocean Communities (Marie Skłodowska-Curie project “BioRISC”): Understanding the diversity, biogeography, and resilience of intertidal communities across the Antarctic and the sub-Antarctic. Using a community-based approach, the project will address fundamental ecological questions involving the assessment of biogeographic regions as well as the influence of environmental heterogeneity in the composition and structure of intertidal communities.
Integrative taxonomy of echinoderms: Deciphering the origin and evolution of echinoderms (mainly sea stars) at the inter-ordinal and intra-ordinal levels through classical taxonomic approach and genetics (single genes or full mitochondrial genomes).
Phylogeography and population genetics of benthic marine invertebrates: Evaluating the genetic diversity, demography and connectivity patterns at both the local and regional scales (using mitochondrial genes and multiple nuclear loci).
Previous projects
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Quentin Jossart
Jossart, Q.
Buron, C., Moreau, C., Jossart, Q., & Danis, B. (2023). Diversité en milieu profond : cas d’étude de la famille des Pterasteridae (Echinodermata : Asteroidea) [Master Thesis]. Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Kassel, M., Moreau, C., Jossart, Q., & Danis, B. (2023). Phylogénie et taxonomie des Odontasteridae (Asteroidea, Echinodermata) [Master Thesis]. Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Vantomme, L., Jossart, Q., Gérard, K., Danis, B., & Moreau, C. (2023). Preliminary Assessment of Sea Star (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) Diversity in the Coastal Magellanic Region (South Chile) and Their Geographical Distribution.
Jossart, Q., Bauman, D., Moreau, C., Saucède, T., Christiansen, H., Brasier, M. J., Convey, P., Down, R., Figuerola, B., Martin, P., Norenburg, J., Rosenfeld, S., Verheye, M., & Danis, B. (2023). A pioneer morphological and genetic study of the intertidal fauna of the Gerlache Strait (Antarctic Peninsula).
Environ Monit Assess.
Jossart, Q. (2023). A pioneer morphological and genetic study of the intertidal fauna of the Gerlache Strait (Antarctic Peninsula). Environ Monit Assess.
Jossart, Q. (2023). A pioneer morphological and genetic study of the intertidal fauna of the Gerlache Strait (Antarctic Peninsula). Environ Monit Assess.
Rosenfeld, S., Maturana, C. S., Spencer, H. G., Convey, P., Saucède, T., Brickle, P., Bahamonde, F.,
Jossart, Q., Poulin, E., & Gonzalez-Wevar, C. (2022). Complete distribution of the genus Laevilitorina (Littorinimorpha, Littorinidae) in the Southern Hemisphere: remarks and natural history.
1127, 61–77.
Danis, B., Wallis, B., Guillaumot, C., Moreau, C., Pasotti, F., Heindler, F. M., Robert, H., Christiansen, H.,
Jossart, Q., & Saucède, T. (2022). Nimble vessel cruises as a complementary platform for Southern Ocean biodiversity research: concept and preliminary results from the Belgica 121 expedition.
Antarctic Science, 1–7.
Moreau, C., Le Bourg, B., Balazy, P., Danis, B., Eléaume, M.,
Jossart, Q., Kuklinski, P., Lepoint, G., Saucède, T., Van De Putte, A., & Michel, L. N. (2022). Trophic markers and biometric measurements in
Southern Ocean sea stars (1985–2017).
103(3), e3611.
Moreau, C., Le Bourg, B., Balazy, P., Danis, B., Eléaume, M.,
Jossart, Q., Kuklinski, P., Lepoint, G., Saucède, T., Van de Putte, A., & Michel, L. N. (2022). Trophic markers and biometric measurements in
Southern Ocean sea stars (1985–2017).
Danis, B., Christiansen, H., Guillaumot, C., Heindler, F.,
Jossart, Q., Moreau, C., Pasotti, F., Robert, H., Wallis, B., & Saucède, T. (2021). The Belgica 121 expedition to the Western Antarctic Peninsula: a detailed biodiversity census.
Biodiversity Data Journal,
9, e70590.
Christiansen, H., Heindler, F. M., Hellemans, B.,
Jossart, Q., Pasotti, F., Robert, H., Verheye, M., Danis, B., Kochzius, M., Leliaert, F., Moreau, C., Patel, T., Van de Putte, A. P., Vanreusel, A., Volckaert, F. A. M., & Schön, I. (2021). Facilitating population genomics of non-model organisms through optimized experimental design for reduced representation sequencing.
BMC Genomics,
22(1), 625.
Danis, B., Christiansen, H., Guillaumot, C., Heindler, F., Jossart, Q., Moreau, C., Pasotti, F., Robert, H., Wallis, B., & Saucède, T. (2021). The Belgica 121 expedition to the Western Antarctic Peninsula: a high resolution biodiversity census [Preprint]. Biodiversity Data Journal.
Danis, B., Christiansen, H., Heindler, F. M., Houston, R.,
Jossart, Q., Lucas, K., Moreau, C., Pasotti, F., Robert, H., Wallis, B., & Saucède, T. (2021).
The Belgica 121 expedition to the Western Antarctic Peninsula: a high resolution biodiversity census.
Christiansen, H., Heindler, F. M., Hellemans, B., Jossart, Q., Pasotti, F., Robert, H., Verheye, M., Danis, B., Kochzius, M., Leliaert, F., Moreau, C., Patel, T., Van de Putte, A. P., Vanreusel, A., Volckaert, F. A. M., & Schoen, I. (2021). Facilitating population genomics of non-model organisms through optimized experimental design for reduced representation sequencing [Preprint]. Genomics.
Moreau, C., Le Bourg, B., Balazy, P., Danis, B., Eleaume, M.,
Jossart, Q., Kuklinski, P., Lepoint, G., Saucède, T., Van de Putte, A., Gan, Y., & Michel, L. (2021).
Stable isotope ratios of C, N and S in Southern Ocean sea stars (1985-2017).
Saucède, T., Eléaume, M.,
Jossart, Q., Moreau, C., Downey, R., Bax, N., Sands, C., Mercado, B., Gallut, C., & Vignes-Lebbe, R. (2020). Taxonomy 2.0: computer-aided identification tools to assist Antarctic biologists in the field and in the laboratory.
Antarctic Science, 1–13.
Moreau, C.,
Jossart, Q., Danis, B., Eléaume, M., Christiansen, H., Guillaumot, C., Downey, R., & Saucède, T. (2020). The high diversity of Southern Ocean sea stars (Asteroidea) reveals original evolutionary pathways.
Progress in Oceanography, 102472.
Jossart, Q., Kochzius, M., Danis, B., Saucède, T., & Moreau, C. V. E. (2020). Diversity of the Pterasteridae (Asteroidea) in the Southern Ocean: a molecular and morphological approach.
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 1–12.
Jossart, Q., Terrana, L., De Ridder, C., Eeckhaut, I., Monteyne, D., & Caulier, G. (2020). To see or to smell: the role of vision in host-recognition by an ectoparasitic crab.
80(1), 97–101.
Jossart, Q., Sands, C. J., & Sewell, M. A. (2019). Dwarf brooder versus giant broadcaster: combining genetic and reproductive data to unravel cryptic diversity in an Antarctic brittle star.
123(5), 622–633.
Moreau, C., Danis, B.,
Jossart, Q., Eléaume, M., Sands, C., Achaz, G., Agüera, A., & Saucède, T. (2019). Is reproductive strategy a key factor in understanding the evolutionary history of Southern Ocean Asteroidea (Echinodermata)?
Ecology and Evolution,
9(15), 8465–8478.
Danis, B., Christiansen, H., Guillaumot, C., Heindler, F. M.,
Jossart, Q., Lucas, K., Moreau, C., Pasotti, F., Robert, H., Wallis, B., & Saucède, T. (2019).
Report of the Belgica 121 expedition to the West Antarctic Peninsula.
Moreau, C., Mah, C., Agüera, A., Améziane, N., Barnes, D., Crokaert, G., Eléaume, M., Griffiths, H., Guillaumot, C., Hemery, L. G., Jażdżewska, A.,
Jossart, Q., Laptikhovsky, V., Linse, K., Neill, K., Sands, C., Saucède, T., Schiaparelli, S., Siciński, J., … Danis, B. (2018). Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Asteroidea database.
747, 141–156.
Jossart, Q., De Ridder, C., Lessios, H. A., Bauwens, M., Motreuil, S., Rigaud, T., Wattier, R. A., & David, B. (2017). Highly contrasted population genetic structures in a host-parasite pair in the Caribbean Sea.
Ecology and Evolution,
7(22), 9267–9280.
Moreau, C., Saucède, T.,
Jossart, Q., Agüera, A., Brayard, A., & Danis, B. (2017). Reproductive strategy as a piece of the biogeographic puzzle: a case study using Antarctic sea stars (Echinodermata, Asteroidea).
Journal of Biogeography,
44(4), 848–860.
Lefebvre, M., Danis, B., Jossart, Q., & Moreau, C. (2016). Phylogéographie des Astéries de l’Océan Austral : cas d’étude chez l’espèce Bathybiaster loripes [Mémoire]. Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Moreau, C., Aguera, A.,
Jossart, Q., & Danis, B. (2015). Southern Ocean Asteroidea: a proposed update for the Register of Antarctic Marine Species.
Biodiversity Data Journal,
3, 1–24.
Agüera, A., Collard, M.,
Jossart, Q., Moreau, C., & Danis, B. (2015). Parameter Estimations of Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) Model over the Life History of a Key Antarctic Species: The Antarctic Sea Star Odontaster validus Koehler, 1906.
10(10), 1–22.
Jossart, Q., Moreau, C., Aguera, A., De Broyer, C., & Danis, B. (2015). The Register of Antarctic Marine Species (RAMS): a ten-year appraisal.
524, 137–145.
Jossart, Q., Geyer, L. B., & Lessios, H. A. (2015). Characterization of eight microsatellite loci for the sea urchin Meoma ventricosa (Spatangoida, Brissidae) through Next Generation Sequencing.
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology,
59, 100–103.
Jossart, Q., Wattier, R. A., Kastally, C., Aron, S., David, B., De Ridder, C., & Rigaud, T. (2014). Genetic Evidence Confirms Polygamous Mating System in a Crustacean Parasite with Multiple Hosts.
9(3), 1–7.
Le Bourg, B., Blanchard, A., Danis, B., Jossart, Q., Lepoint, G., Moreau, C., & Michel, L. N. (n.d.). Influence of environmental conditions on trophic niche partitioning among sea stars assemblages. 20.
Le Bourg, B., Blanchard, A., Danis, B., Lepoint, G., Moreau, C., Jossart, Q., & Michel, L. N. (n.d.). Feeding ecology of Southern Ocean seastars. 1.
Le Bourg, B., Blanchard, A., Danis, B., Jossart, Q., Lepoint, G., Moreau, C., & Michel, L. N. (n.d.). Environmental drivers of sea stars feeding ecology in the Southern Ocean. 28.
Le Bourg, B., Blanchard, A., Danis, B., Jossart, Q., Lepoint, G., Moreau, C., & Michel, L. N. (n.d.). Feeding ecology of sea stars of the Southern Ocean. 22.