New Website lifting off…
We’re excited to announce that we’ve been working on a new website for our Laboratory. The new website can be found on both the ULB ( and general ( addresses. Continue Reading →
Université Libre de Bruxelles
We’re excited to announce that we’ve been working on a new website for our Laboratory. The new website can be found on both the ULB ( and general ( addresses. Continue Reading →
About me Position Professor Expertise Diversity Evolution Functional ecology Echinoids (Echinodermata) Teaching Biogeography (BIOLF531) Zoologie 2 (BIOLF304) Biology of symbioses (BIOLF442) Marine Biology (Field course) (BIOL F 416) Publications You Continue Reading →
Deux chercheurs du Laboratoire de Biologie Marine de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles, les Profs. Chantal De Ridder et Philippe Dubois ont participé récemment à l’expédition ANT XXIX/3, à bord du brise Continue Reading →