Marine Ecology (BIOL-F-417)

This course was called Marine Biology (BIOL-F-417) but the name has been changed to better reflect the content.

Provisional schedule

Note that participation in the excursion and practicals are required to complete the course.


Marine Ecology      
Date Time Lecture Lecturer Location
25/09/2024 09:00-12:00 Oceanography, geology, history, and technology MK VUB
02/10/2024 09:00-12:00 Pelagic biological processes AVdP ULB
09/10/2024 09:00-12:00 Benthic biological processes AVdP ULB
15/10/2024 08:00-18:00 Excursion with Simon Stevin (ULB + Tropimundo students) MK Ostend
16/10/2024 08:00-18:00 Excursion with Simon Stevin (VUB students) MK Ostend
23/10/2024 09:00-12:00 Analysis of data collected during the excursion MK VUB
30/10/2024   no lecture    
06/11/2024   no lecture    
13/11/2024 09:00-12:00 Practical AVdP ULB
20/11/2024   Verhaegen    
27/11/2024 09:00-12:00 Case study: Southern Ocean + global change in the ocean AVdP ULB
04/12/2024 09:00-12:00 Coral reef ecology MK VUB
11/12/2024 09:00-12:00 Connectivity of populations MK VUB
18/12/2024 09:00-12:00 Q&A AVdP+MK VUB
      AVdP: Anton Van der Putte
      MK: Marc Kochzius
    Lectures for “Marine Fisheries Ecology and Management” (O&L) and “Fisheries Management” (MSc Biology VUB)    

1. Pelagic biological processes (2023-2024)

slides: Marine_ecology_pelagic_processes_avdp_20242025

1.0 Pelagic biological-processes course intro (2023-2024) video

1.1 Pelagic biological processes general intro (2023-2024) video

1-1_pelagic-biological-processes_pelgic-ecosystems_part1 audio

1-1_pelagic-biological-processes_pelgic-ecosystems_part2 audio

1-1_pelagic-biological-processes_pelgic-ecosystems_part3 audio

2. Benthic biological processes rocky shores

slides: marine-ecology_benthic-processes_avdp_20242025

3. Practical Marine Biodiversity Data

Below are the files for the practical Marine Biodiversity Data. This includes the slides and the 2 files you will work with.

Species list: Download (csv)
Task overview: google doc

world countries shapefile (World_Countries_Boundaries-shp)

4. Global Change

Global change ocean_AVdP_20242025

5. Southern Ocean




Slides 2022-2023

  • Oceanography, geology, history, and technology
  • Coral reef ecology
  • Pelagic biological processes
  • Connectivity of populations
  • Case study: Southern Ocean + global change in the ocean


  1. Introduction to Marine Ecology
  2. Marine Biology schedule 2021-2022
  3. Marine_Biology_syllabus
  4. Global Change_2020_2021 slides
  5. Pelagic Biological Processes_20212022 slides
  6. Benthic processes_20212022 slides
  7. Southern Ocean 2020_2021 slides